From 5 March 2019 at 9.00 to 6 March 2019 at 16.30 a Specific Forensic, AI and AR Workshop was held as one of the activities of the COST Action. The day after, on 7 March 2019, from 9.00 to 13.00 the 2nd Management Committee (MC 2) took place. Both events were located in London. The workshops on 5–6 March took place in Olympia Exhibition Centre, Hammersmith Road, London, W14 8UX, in parallel to the 2019 Forensic Europe Expo.
It is mandatory your registration in the Expo event in order to access to the Olympia Exhibition Centre. Therefore, please, proceed as soon as possible with the free registration here. Exhibition Visitor (free) should be selected as Event Package.
Press Release: The European Network ‘DIGFORASP’ Participate In The ‘Forensics Europe Expo’ In London
The 2nd MC on 7 March was hosted in:
Birkbeck, University of London
Male Street, Bloomsbury
London WC1E7HX
Access from Torrington Sq

# | Grant Period Goals | Grant Period Activities | Grant Period Outputs |
1 |
1 G1. Introduce researchers in AI and Automated Reasoning to the main issues and problems in the daily work of digital forensics scientists and the technical, legal and criminological aspects they involve. (O1, O7)
2 G2. Provide a list of applicable AI and Automated Reasoning techniques, focusing on Computational Logic for verifiability and justifiability reasons (essential in a legal environment). (O2) 3 G3. Create synergies between Digital Forensic Challenges and AI and AR. (O3 and O4) 4 G4. Increase the number of ITC and NNC countries in the Action. (O1, O2, O3, O4, O9) 5 G5. Involve more international and national institutions (related to security in each country) in the Action (O1, O2, O3, O4, O9) 6 G6. Disseminate the details and objectives of the Action (O2, O3, O4, O9) |
Specific Digital Forensic and, AI and AR workshop. MC 2 will also be held. It will be co-organized with the event: The industry and other interesting participants to the action will attend and so, good opportunities to create synergies will arise. | Work plan and budget of the second grant period. New links among Digital Forensic, AI and AR. |