From June 20 to 22 will take place in Tallinn, The 16th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA2022). On this occasion, the DigForASP Action will present work and advances by the speakers Jesús Medina (Action Chair), from the University of Cádiz and L’ubomir Antoni of the Univerzita Pavla Josefa Šafárika of Košice.
About CLA
CLA is an international conference dedicated to formal concept analysis (FCA) and areas closely related to FCA such as data mining, information retrieval, knowledge management, data and knowledge engineering, logic, algebra and lattice theory. CLA provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, and students
Photos CLA2022
Professor: L’ubomir Antoni, University of Pavla Josefa Šafárika of Košice.
Professor: Jesús Medina, University of Cádiz