Online 5th WG & 4th MC MEETINGS
The 5th Working Group Meeting (WG5) will be held virtually on February 17th, from 9 to 12h. It will be composed of two sessions. On the other hand, the 4th Management Committee will be held again virtually on February 18th, from 9 to 12h.
- WGM5- 5th Working Group meeting: on February 17th.
- MCM4- 4th Management Committee meeting: on February 18th. Agenda
Below it is included the program for February 17th. For further information, it can be consulted the event’s agenda, which is included at the following link.
Program ESCIM2020 DigForASP Feb2021
Link for accessing to the online sessions:
9:00–10:00 Session S5. Chairperson: Stefania Costantini
Workshop DigForASP
Maksym Nesterov, Igor Kotsiuba and Inna Skarga-Bandurova
a Tool in Digital Forensics
Maciej Kusy and Piotr A. Kowalski
Jurgita Lieponiene and Vaidas Giedrimas
10:00–10:20 Coffee break
10:20–11:40 Session S6. Chairperson: Jesús Medina
Workshop DigForASP. Abstracts session
Tania Cerasella
Raffaele Olivieri
Emanuela Cerasella
Francesca Alessandra Lisi